R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to ✨Socratica✨. By being part of our community, you agree to respect:

  1. Each Other:

    1. If you see someone standing alone in the corner, go be their friend. Host mindset**. 🫡🫡**
    2. Be thoughtful in how you communicate 💭 (people at our sessions come from all different backgrounds and are looking to learn -- there are no dumb questions, be ready to explain things at varying levels of complexity, and share projects that are respectful and make the space feel welcoming. When people are speaking, don’t interrupt!).
    3. Respect people's boundaries 💯 (while we encourage making friends, if someone asks for space or doesn't want to be contacted, no means no).
  2. The Space:

    1. Clean up your own garbage 💪 (and the occasional additional cup)
    2. Leave spaces better than you find them ✨ (we want to be invited back)
    3. Do not be a menace ‼️ (theft and destruction of property are not allowed)
  3. The Session:

    1. START: be on time (do your best lol), and sneak in quietly if you're late. Hosts might be too busy to let latecomers in right away.
    2. WORK BLOCKS: FOCUS TIME 😤 Put your headphones on, get into the zone, keep conversations to a minimum, save random commentary for the break.
    3. BREAK: Feel free to chat, keep working, grab a snack, go to the washroom, etc.
    4. DEMOS: Keep your demo quick⏱, and give other demoers your full attention (no side conversations please!). Save short Q&A for after the demo, and extensive Q&A for after the session.
    5. END: After the session, please go home LOL. Socratica sessions are awesome, and also our hosts have other stuff they have to do. There will be more sessions, we promise. 😅
  4. The Community

    1. We are all responsible for making Socratica feel safe and supportive for everyone. Your actions matter.
    2. Projects, comments, or behaviour that are derogatory/oppressive of another person's religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability are not welcome. Behaviour that endangers members of the community or makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe is also unwelcome.
    3. If a situation makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you have a variety of options:
      1. Report the situation to one of the main hosts of the session.
      2. Follow the tactics outlined in [UW's Official Bystander Training](https://uwaterloo.ca/sexual-violence-prevention-response-office/give-support/active-bystander-intervention#:~:text=SVPRO offers Active Bystander Intervention,at s3jacobs%40uwaterloo.ca.)
      3. Contact UW's counselling, health, EDI, or police resources
      4. Connect with Waterloo, Ontario, or Canada-wide resources

    Hosts may ask anyone violating the code of conduct to leave the session and/or discord server. If you’ve violated the code of conduct and been asked to leave, you must obtain written approval (socratica.info@gmail.com) from Socratica’s organizing team prior to joining us for any future sessions or UW Startups events. Failure to obtain approval is a violation of the code of conduct.